Advanced Analytics to
Accelerate Decarbonization

Fast. Flexible. Actionable.

The Carbon Platform

Software for rapid and reliable
transparency into hard-to-measure
corporate inputs, thereby empowering
decision-makers to drive cost-effective

Feedback from Industry Leaders

This is the first solution that allows us to work with the data we have and get the insights we need to start decarbonizing.”

VP Sustainability

Fortune Global 500

I’ve worked with LCA consultants on 6-month projects. The Carbon Platform’s speed addresses a very real pain point.”

ESG Lead

Invest. Co. ($150B AUM)

This is a great solution to help us get going – we have a massive knowledge gap currently.”

SVP Procurement

Fortune 500 Company

I really value the ability to translate the output into concrete financial plans – that is essential for capital planning.”


Fortune Global 50

How it Works

Step One

Upload Available Data

Upload readily available product information such as 1-2 sentence descriptions into The Carbon Platform.

Step Two

Generate Product-Level Insights

Model output includes information about both emissions and their key drivers, grouped according to business logic (e.g., product line, supplier, emission source).
Step Three

Translate to Decarbonization Plans

Augment Model output with information related to existing initiatives and corporate objectives, and prioritize action areas by feasibility and economic potential.

Faster. More Flexible. More Actionable.

Avoid time-consuming data collection and formatting efforts. Start implementing economic decarbonization solutions.

Use Existing Data

Start calculating emissions using available product descriptions.

1,000x Less Expensive

Leverage automation to reduce time-consuming and costly data-collection steps.

Up to 10,000x Faster

Generate insights in seconds per product vs. weeks or months.

Engage Suppliers

Quickly and selectively confirm estimates for key drivers.



Develop initial estimates for
Product Carbon Footprints.


(Includes one license per org)


Whole portfolio analyses. Benefit from model updates and actionable insights.

On request

Billed per API call
(Includes 5 licenses per org)


Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) provide insights into how, from what, and where products are made. In addition to highlighting energy and material use (the dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions), PCFs provide insights into economic and risk-related topics such as manufacturers’ exposure to input price fluctuations.
Separately, an increasing number of regulators (at the state and national levels) are requiring companies to disclose PCF information.
Finally, PCFs are important for some customers and investors.
Correspondingly, a portfolio-level view on PCFs allows forward-thinking companies to address strategic, capital planning, risk- and compliance-related topics, and the concerns of select stakeholders.

It is possible to get reasonable Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) estimates even with a 1-2 sentence description of a product.

Depending on product complexity, our estimates are within 50% of processes that can take 3-5 months to complete.  Across a diverse portfolio we are easily able to identify the biggest / smallest GHG contributors.
We judge the quality of our results by comparing to published footprint data (which we do not use for training). One caveat is that these published values may not represent an absolute truth given myriad uncertainties around allocation, variation in sourcing strategies etc.

First, Product Carbon Footprints help prioritize efforts (e.g., due to per-unit emissions, adjusted for purchase volume). Second, our interactive tool allows companies to quickly survey current and potential suppliers to understand ongoing and planned decarbonization actions.  Responses can form the basis for competitive negotiations.

Our solution provides companies with an outside-in perspective on hard-to-obtain drivers of corporate inputs such as materials and manufacturing processes. Increased transparency can help identify decarbonization opportunities that have a positive net present value today (e.g., via like-for-dislike substitution). In some cases, a lack of transparency regarding corporate inputs leads to sub-optimal sourcing strategies, and these can be addressed as a consequence of insights gained initially for decarbonization efforts.

Where possible, we follow the Pathfinder Framework (2.0) published by the WBCSD.

Get Started.

Quickly unlock new
insights. Contact us to
calculate product carbon
footprints for your portfolio.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that
someone else will save it."